Monday, January 12, 2009


Here's to another week of things I did not do. To participate in this totally fun meme, or to just read what other people did "not" do, click here!

My daughter did not keep her fort up in the living room for two days, and I did not sleep in it two nights in a row with my girls! I totally did not wake up with minor back pain.

Our clothes dryer did not die on us suddenly. I have not been going back and forth to the laundry mat to dry our clothes while waiting for the part to come in!!! UPDATE..DRYER IS NOW FIXED..THANK GOD!

I did not accidentally delete the video I took of my youngest daughter and my nephew while they were playing together. I'm not that careless, and in a hurry to clear out photos or videos I think I have already uploaded to my computer.

I did not get five strikes in a row when playing bowling on the Wii. I did not play by MYSELF until I got "PRO" status! I did not get excited at the new swirly looking ball that the game gave me!!

I did not almost cry when I found out my 8 year old son accidentally LEFT his Nintendo DS Case on a table outside the cafe at our church. He is always so responsible with it! I did not jump for joy when my eldest son's friend looked for it and found it in the same spot where he left least 30 minutes later! The amount of games he has and DS combined are not worth a little over $1000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I totally did not treat just my girls to Burger King fries after church tonight. I would not hold out on my other kids! Hubby and I had to take two vehicles tonight and the boys were with him on the way home.



Denise said...

lol, love you sweetie.

Susie said...

You are such a fun mom!! Camping out, playing the Wii and french fries? I told you it is a party every day at your house:-)

Lisa said...

I would have left that fort up too, probably

Debra Kaye said...


Oh sweet made me laugh so hard with the swirly ball thing on the Wii!

Happy Monday! Hugs to you!

Anonymous said...

Forts are so much fun. I remember building them as a youngster myself. My boys never got into that too much. Maybe I'll have to teach him. Great post. Have a great week.

Anonymous said...

As you know...I can totally relate to the Nintendo DS episode....
Oh and I feel your pain about the dryer being broke....I know you have a ton of laundry because I do with the six of us...glad its fixed!!

Laura said...

LOL, my sister was the same way when she first got her Wii. Then she pretty much quit playing so she wouldn't lose her PRO status!!!

I am so glad that your son's DS was found after all!! How scary.

Sounds like you had a busy week!

He & Me + 3 said...

YOu are cracking me up about the Wii. Too funny. At first I thought it was in real bowling and I was gonna give you a Whoot hoot! But then I saw Wii and started laughin. YOu are so funny!

Lori of I'm no super Mom said...

Such a good Mom to endure the back pain for the memories!!

Muthering Heights said...

It sounds like you and your girls have some special time together...and there is nothing wrong with that. ;)

Anonymous said...

You crack me up! Ok, I am with on the wii games I catch myself playing all the time by myself just to get higher scores than my kids. Is that bad? LOL

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Too funny my friend! Isn't it great that we can laugh at ourselves?!?!

I can totally relate to the DS issue. And that sounds like something my son would do. Since it's him, I can admit to it being him, right?

Take care my friend!
I hope you have a great week!

BeLoVed AiMeE said...

lol @ the Wii!! you nut. glad your ds got his ds back!

Julie said...

I LOVE bowling on the Wii! Too fun.

I accidently deleted a whole days worth of vacation pics over Thanksgiving. I can definitely relate.

Hope you have a great week!!

Claremont First Ward said...

I'm glad those things didn't really happen, because I'd die if my dryer died or I deleted footage of my kids. :)

Anonymous said...

Two nights of camping,wow! Kudos to you, lol

Unknown said...

You sound like the funnest mom! Can I be your kid? Oh please, please, please!

I will ask the girl who made my blog what that font is called. I have NO idea : ).

PS I am glad he found the DS case. Phew!

Anonymous said...

I completely love that you slept in the fort for two nights. That is so amazingly cool of you!

And I am thrilled that you feel the same way I do! (re: the emails we sent the other night)

Anonymous said...

Wow, rough week...dryer, DS, back pain, yuck!

Hope this week is better for ya!

Jane Anne said...

I think I would have cried about the DS and games twice: once when it was lost and once when it was found!!
Great list!

Everyday Mom Designs said...

Great list!

Daphine said...

You're a lot better than I am about the Nintendo DS game! I do believe that I would have TOTALLY lost my patience. You're also better than me on the dryer situation. Dirk would have had to go to the laundry mat. I wouldn't have been able to hang! I know I sound pathetic! lol!