Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I love it when I can capture intimate moments like this! Of course, I had to take like zabillion shots to get a good one! My husband was like, "What are you doing?????" But, as you can see, it didn't spoil the sweet moment between the two of them.


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To view more Wordful Wednesday's, or to share your own, click here.



Michelle said...

Ahhh, nothing better than story time! :)

jori-o said...

Awww, that is precious!

Anonymous said...

super sweet!

Anonymous said...

What an awesome shot. Love this one.

Anonymous said...

you really did capture a great moment!
Happy WW

AP Mommy said...

Ah so sweet. I too love pictures like this.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! That's what memories are made off!

Anonymous said...

That is precious! I love it!

Unknown said...

So sweet :) I love seeing pictures of myself and my parents from when I was younger... I bet she will love this too!

Anonymous said...

That is reallllly a beautiful shot!

Susie said...

So sweet! What a good daddy:-)

Brenda said...

So sweet!

Unknown said...

Wow what a great moment to capture. There is nothing sweeter than watching your daughter and her daddy have those moments. Have a great WW.

Hootin Anni said...

Absolutely wonderful!!! Great photo.

Come on over and visit with me and my very wordful Wednesday post...I just couldn't stop shivering this morning....errrrr, ummmm, chat-at-at-chatting away!!!

Stephanie said...

That's too sweet! Nothing like the bond between a father and daughter.

Stacy said...

I just love this picture!!! So sweet.

Cascia Talbert said...

Aww, such a precious moment.

Alicia W. said...

She will never forget those moments. I love that you captured that in time. :o)

Debra Kaye said...


Absolutely priceless...huh! Happy Wednesday to you, my friend!

Lori of I'm no super Mom said...

I agree, I love these moments too! The picture says it all!

Laura said...

Aww, that is so sweet :)

Claremont First Ward said... that's just plain sweet!

tiki_lady said...

oh my goodness, this picture is so precious! what a great capture

Shynea @ Penny Pinching Diva said...

I like this picture. This is too cute.

He & Me + 3 said...

So, love, LLLLLhhhhhooooovvvveee it! So precious. A framer.

Anonymous said...

How sweet! I love moments like these. Happy ~WW~

Heidi said...

ahhh. so sweet. Great moment captured. Much better than, "say cheese"

Anonymous said...

That is so sweet...
Thanks for the directions for the photo tag...I'm going to try it again!
And yes Sawyer really was getting a treatment in the just can't see the mist in the picture..

Melissa, Multi-Tasking Mama said...

Awwww, what a good daddy!

Alicia The Snowflake said...

OH how sweet! Gotta love Daddy time!

Jane Anne said...

That is a sweet moment! I am just like you- when I see something like that I take as many pictures as it takes to capture the feeling.

Angela said...

I love moments like this!

Kelly said...

That is a great moment!! We are huge readers around here too!! Have a great rest of the week!

Trish said...

Very cute! Thanks for stopping by my blog! My sister is one talented girl!

Julie said...

Aww...that is TOO precious! Just melts my heart. Those are just the best moments. Glad you were able to capture it!

BeLoVed AiMeE said...

so sweet!

hey I gotta ?? I tried and tried to make a grab button ..used two different tutorials but I couldn't get my image to show up. Could you help me out?

Anonymous said...

Awwww, what a sweet moment to capture. I love to see loving Dads with their kids!

Anonymous said...

Great pic! I get snapshots of hubby reading to our kids frequently! I love 'em.

Ok, so you gotta tell me...did you add your button with the html coding or did you have someone else do it? Because I NEED TO KNOW HOW TO DO THAT! LOL I've done google searches and everything and I cannot figure it out! :[ Thanks!

Tara Bennett said...

Oh daddy's are the best!

Ann said...

Sweet picture. There is something so special about the bond between a girl and her daddy!

Unknown said...

This just made my heart melt into a million little pieces! Love it!

Unknown said...

You are delightful : ). I could tell from the first page look! I can't think of anyone who deserves an award more. I'm glad you like them. They aren't my most favorite things, but I thought the message I was writing about was even more significant than the award! I think a lot of my friends would not want me to be friends with Jason because his beliefs are so different, but I LOVE being his friend because I think God can show His love thru me. You know what I mean?

McCrakensx4 said...

Nothing better than daddy/daughter time, especially over a good book! What a great shot and lasting memory!

joanofalltrades said...

How sweet! It must be fate. This is the second time I've been after you on the SITS roll call.

Everyday Mom Designs said...

That is so sweet and cute!

MaricrisG said...

That's pretty and touching. So sweet. I know you already do both version of WW but I'll go ahead and invite you to DeCode wednesday too. It's fun. You will like it too.

Are you filipina?

Zen Ventures
Golden Flower Creations

Aubrey said...

Oh yes...those are great moments indeed! What a great shot!

Denise said...

Aw, so sweet.