Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I wish I knew what she was thinking about at that moment...

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Melissa said...

she's so gorgeous!

Lisa said...

What a precious profile, I just love it.

Denise said...

She is very lovely.

Susie said...

Looking for Santa? Hee, hee, hee.

She's so pretty!

Davisix said...

What a beautiful picture Alicia! xoxo Ang

Stacy said...

That is such a beautiful picture. She is in deep thought or it looks like it anyway!!

Kelly said...

I ask myself this of my kids all the time!! I think maybe at times, If I could read their mind... I would be sorry!!

Andy said...

I wonder that about my little boy too. I used to wonder what he dreamt about. He smiles while he sleeps and its so precious.

Nicole Marie said...

WOW! great picture! simply beautiful!

joanofalltrades said...

What do you do with all of the pictures of your children? Do you have photo albums, slideshows, or movies? I know the blog is great for chronicling their lives. I was just wondering what you do with them since you have such great pictures.

Kelli W said...

Super picture!! I love the blurred edges...makes it look even prettier!

Anonymous said...

Love pretty!!

He & Me + 3 said...

That is such a dreamy picture. just beautiful!

really.truly said...

That picture is so sweet. I love her cheeks!

Stephanie said...

Don't you wish you could read their minds sometimes?

Great pic!

Anonymous said...

That is so beautiful!!!!

I left you another bloggy are just too amazing to pass up girl! Love you!

Everyday Mom Designs said...

Such a sweet picture.

Jane Anne said...

That is a beautiful picture of your daughter. I love that you put it in black and white, too. You captured a thoughtful (and still!) moment.

betty said...

that is an awesome picture! I always wonder too what they think at times

enjoy the day


Unknown said...

I love that picture. I wonder if she was thinking 'I wish it was summer and I could play outside.'

Laura said...

What a great shot, Alicia!! Veronica is just too beautiful!

Aubrey said...

Precious. Now that is a pic to blow up and put in a frame!

Corrine said...

if we could only read their thoughts.

Leslie said...

What a great picture of your daughter. She's darling. When I see my kids like that I'm just way too nosy. Cause I say, "What are you thinking about"

Claremont First Ward said...

What a lovely photo!

Debra Kaye said...

How precious, Alicia! Hugs to you today!

Angela said...

Sooo pretty! I just love pictures like this ~ they are my favorite!

Michelle said...

Wow, what a beautiful picture......she does look lost in though doesn't she?

Mel said...

Amazing photo

R and R Stacy said...

She's beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Ok, so I was pulling into my driveway, making a right. The neighbors car was parked as close to my driveway as it could possibly get without actually blocking it. When I turned, my thoughts were on avoiding the big mountain of ice at the bottom of my driveway, on the other end (from the neighbors car), so I ended up actually cutting my turn into one more narrow (without thinking, obviously) and my van, the side of it, swiped her front bumper, pretty well, I might add. I actually lifted her car a little with the weight of my van pressed up against hers! Alicia, it was so embarassing, even though no one saw it! Seriously, I've been driving a van for a year'd think I'd remember my turns have to be wide!

Toia said...

This is one of the reasons why I love black and white photos. There's no color hiding the genuiness and beauty of a photo.

Happy Wednesday!!

BTW, She is so adorable!!

Anonymous said...

She is a beauty! I just found your blog. I'ts great . I gonna grab the button .Thanks

Pamela said...

What beautiful children you have! This photo of your daughter is priceless.

Good to meet you here through Wordful Wednesdays!

Daphine said...

She is one BEAUTIFUL little girl! WOW! Great picture!!!

Anonymous said...

your kids are so photogenic, in fact your entire family is! this looks so nice in the classic black and white

McCrakensx4 said...

That is a i {heart} kid faces picture! So precious!

Anonymous said...

She looks so peaceful. She's pretty.

Sara said...

You are so sweet, thank you! I needed that computer hug... LOL! It's been a hard couple of days!

So nice to catch those moments where they look so peaceful and sweet and beautiful! You're whole fam is very photogenic.. is that how you spell it?? I dunno.. I'm going to bed! Goodnight!

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Oh how sweet! What a cute picture!

tiarastantrums said...


Lorie said...

BEAUTIFUL picture! I love b&w!