Thursday, March 12, 2009


I'm participating in a year long challenge, created by Carin. The goal is to be in one picture a week, for 52 weeks. Since us moms are always behind the camera, this gives us a chance to get out in front and be in the pictures with our family. Fun challenge, right? You can join too! Carin has added a Mr. Linky on Thursdays so that we can check out each others pictures.

This is me and my 8 yr old son, Eli! LOL, I realize that all my "pictures of me" for this meme have the same pose every week!! I usually remember at the last minute that I need a picture with one of my kids, so it's me telling them to sit by me so I can take the picture myself! I need to be more creative for next Thursday!!


Denise said...

I love all of your pictures dear.

Susie said...

Hey, whatever works, right?

Stacy said...

There still very good picture:)

Kim said...

You have such beautiful children, and it is okay to have the same pose.

Stephanie said...

You're funny and you sound just like me.

Anonymous said...

He is so cute...I have a nephew named Eli...such a good name! I have enjoyed seeing you with each of your children...they are so pretty/handsome!

Robyn said...

Your pictures are awesome!

Debbie said...

I always enjoy your photos. You are a beautiful woman.

Debra Kaye said...


I love looking at all of your pictures, my friend. Happy Wednesday!

R and R Stacy said...

Great one! What a handsome boy! Next month my son will be 8 - I can't believe it!

Darcie said...

They may be the same post, but they are always great pictures!! I need to try and be more creative as well.

Carin said...

I think it's great! They ARE always great pictures. I don't how you take such great pictures of yourselves. I'd likely NOT get us in the frame if I tried it. Good for you!

Julie said...

Cute pic! At least you can get your kids to willingly take a picture! Some day I would like to be able to participate in this meme!

Laura said...

LOL, Alicia, girl, you crack me up. You are doing better than I am though!!!!

Miti said...

Your photo is still a good one. It's a little tricky to do those self portraits and to do them so well. So, I give you two thumbs up. This week's almost over and I still need to post my photo.

Muthering Heights said...

Yes, but 50 years from now, you have so many nice pictures of you with your children!

Sara said...

You'll love to have all the pics with you and your kids one day, it's good that you have so many. I don't have very many cause I am always the one behind the camera

Kelli W said...

Great picture!

Anonymous said...

It may be the same pose but it's still a beautiful picture!! I can't believe my daughter will be 8 next month. They aren't babies anymore, Eli sure is a handsome little fellow!

really.truly said...

oh yeah, the classic arm in the air pose-right! I have many of those. This is a cute pic of you and your son. Love the black/white.

amanda said...

i'd say whatever works as well. either way it's cute.

Anonymous said...

LOL! Is one of the requirements that you have to actually take the picture yourself? You do live with 6 other people ya know :)

jen@odbt said...

I think it's ok to have the same pose - at least you're in the picture :) You have great smiles!

mama's smitten said...

Hey at least your taking pictures! It Great to see you every week!

Jane Anne said...

Creative or not, it is always good to see mom in a picture!

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

Another cute photo! I love seeing my bloggy buddies every week in this challenge!

He & Me + 3 said...

Love it in Black and white and that you are taking pictures with different children.

Tanya said...

I like this picture, and I like the black and white finish. You are one hot Mommy.

Anonymous said...

I have never, ever, ever seen a picture where you didn't look beautiful. Stop it.

Anonymous said...

It's still an adorable picture of the two of you!

Leah said...

You may not change in these photos, but you'll see your kids change over the next year!

BeLoVed AiMeE said...

at least you're getting all the kids in them one by one lol

Shasta said...

They might be the same pose but they are all GREAT pictures with your kids!! ...and at least you're not posing with the same kid over and over, right!? So it's very different=) Great pic!

Mrs. Davison said...

I haven't seen all the pictures so I look forward to seeing more! Cute son you have there. You're cute, too :)

Kari @ A Giveaway Addicted Mommy said...

I love this project....

McCrakensx4 said...

I love this meme! I really like the pic in B&W. I really need to learn how to edit my photos. Great choice for this one!

Woolverton Girl said...

Precious Picture! Great job! I look forward to seeing more on your 52 weeks.

chelle said...

What handsome boy you have! m

Daphine said...

Well, I think it's cute! You always share such great photos!

Enjoy your weekend dear!