Thursday, March 26, 2009


I'm participating in a year long challenge, created by Carin. The goal is to be in one picture a week, for 52 weeks. Since us moms are always behind the camera, this gives us a chance to get out in front and be in the pictures with our family. Fun challenge, right? You can join too! Carin has added a Mr. Linky on Thursdays so that we can check out each others pictures.

This is me and my eldest, Isaiah! He will be 13 in July! I can't believe how time has flown by! Physically, he has always looked older than what he was, and his foot has already surpassed my!


Gill said...

I love this photo. I love 13 years olds..i have one!! He looks really happy to be with you :)

Denise said...

Such a nice picture.

Susie said...

Great picture!

Hey, I like the new blog look:-)

R and R Stacy said...

What a great picture!!

Beth in NC said...

Cute picture!

Stephanie said...

I love your self portraits :) So cute!!!!

He & Me + 3 said...

Love it, he is very handsome and of course you always look good. Great editing. I love black and white pics.

Jen Milne said...

Great shot! I love your whole blog. Can't wait to poke around a little bit....

Anonymous said...

I didn't realize he and Emily were the same age practically. I guess he does look older than that. She will be 13 in May....which everyone always tells me she looks older than her age too. I was sitting here this morning thinking how I can't believe she will be in the 8th grade next year and Daniel won't even be in highschool anymore...I can't believe it. The picture of you two is great. It's sweet to see that he still looks so happy to be taking a close up picture with mom!!

Kate said...

I love the black and white look of the picture. And he does look older than 13. It seems so far off with my kids only 3 and 19 months. But I know that before I know it I will be taking pictures of my 13 year olds! Thanks for sharing such a great picture.
PS I love your blog background. I am obsessed with the color orange right now. :)

Robyn said...

Great Picture, he is handsome and looks happy with you!

Darcie said...

I really love mom and son pictures. I have a almost 13 year old son too, and his foot just got even with his did it happen. :( They were babies once.

really.truly said...

I love when you post these pictures! You really have such a lovely family.

Kelli W said...

Great picture!! I don't like thinking about my boys being bigger than me!! It will be here too fast though, I'm sure!!

Anonymous said...

I didn't know that mothers have a tough time getting in to pics!

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Great pic! Mine will be 12 in May. He hasn't hit that growth spurt yet. I'm ok with that :o) Let's delay it as long as possible!

jen@odbt said...

Love the mom & son shot. I can't imagine when my son will be bigger than me.

Alicia W. said...

LOVING your new look Mrs. Alicia! You are so photogenic and I swear you don't look a day over 25!! I hope I have those good genetics that keeps me looking young. :o)

Shasta said...

Great picture and I love his name! It's my middle's middle name! Did you get that? haha

Melissa said...

so cute! I can't believe that he's almost 13! I think I'll cry when Kendra turns 13!!!!

You're lookin' good, girl! :o)

BeLoVed AiMeE said...

wow he got all his hair cut off!
great pic :)

Carin said...

Another great picture. You and your self portraits, I gotta figure out how you do it so great! Great job!

Debra Kaye said...

I love memes with pics and I have so enjoyed your pictures, my friend.

Big hugs to you today! Love ya!

Amanda Kirkpatrick said...

great pic!!

Mrs. Davison said...

Teenagers are so special. It is such an important time in life for them. It's wonderful that you are close to yours. He is so cute and tall? Woohoo!

Anonymous said...

Alicia, this is a fantastic picture of the two of you!!

Anonymous said...

What a great picture of the two of you!

Stacy said...

Great pic of both of you. Wow,I can't believe you have one that old.You sure don't look like it:)

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

A sweet mother & son photo...I bet he's going to love having it when he's older!

Lisa said...

very nice picture of you two....I wish I would be motivated to participate in that. I am getting in front of the camera a little more because I want to see if I can see a difference in my

McCrakensx4 said...

Better watch out, he is gonna be a heartbreaker! Sweet pic, they grow up way too fast!