Friday, March 6, 2009


I love taking pictures, and I love posting them even more! Every Friday, I'm going to post a photo from way back in the day(pre-digital camera days)! I'm so thankful to have a scanner, so I might as well use it, right?!

This picture was in 1992! We had a big going away party for my sister who was moving to Hawaii (and she still lives there now). Of course, she is the one wearing the lei. My mom is in the middle, and that is me on the right! I was 23 years old at the time!! This is one of my favorite pictures of all of us!!


I'm also going to link up to Carrie @ Candid Carrie since she does a fun meme on Friday's called Friday Foto Finish.


Jane Anne said...

That is a special photo! If you are like me, you don't have near enough pictures of you with your sister and mom.

Denise said...

Awesome picture.

Sharon said...

What a beautiful picture, I am loving the memorie you just shared!
The smiles are just awesome!

Susie said...

That's a great photo!! I love the hair!!

Unknown said...

You are such a beauty : ). Then and now!

LA Nickers said...

Fun meme!

Practically at Home


Stacy said...

Wow your mom looks very young.Looks like y'all could be sisters.I wish I could learn how to use my

Alicia W. said...

Look at you!!! Gosh, I need to invest in a scanner so I can break out some oldie but goody pics! :o)

Debbie said...

Good heavens. Your mother could be one year older than you all. Good genes:)

really.truly said...

What a great photo. You all look just beautiful! 1992 seems like does 23;) have not aged a bit.

Anonymous said...

I love that idea of posting pictures from way back when! I am going to pick a day when I usually don't have anything good to blog about and start doing the same thing. I love using my scanner too!

Kelli W said...

That is a great picture! I have a scanner, but still haven't figured out how to use it!!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful picture of you three!!

Sara said...

Love the jacket.. love the 90's. Very cute!

Julie said...

Great pic! That's great to scan old photos to put on your blog. I plan on doing that...when I can get to my photos that are under the stairs. So maybe when we 4 years or so. LOL!! Hope you have a great weekend!

He & Me + 3 said...

What a great all look like you could be sisters. Very pretty!

R and R Stacy said...

Look at you...that's awesome!!
Great picture.

momstheword said...

Wow, your mom is so young and pretty! I also can't get over how much you and your sister look alike. I thought it was you at first!

Beth in NC said...

Oh my gosh, I was about to tell you, "You haven't changed a bit" thinking that YOUR SISTER was you!!!

What a great picture!

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Oh wow! What a great picture! You all look so pretty!

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

That is a great photo...all of you have beautiful smiles!

Candid Carrie said...

Pre-digital, remember polaroids? That was some high tech stuff for the time.

I envy that you like to pose for pictures because that makes one of us. I love to take pictures but I can't stand being in them! I do wish I had pictures of our entire family because years from now who is going to care how well I thought I looked in photographs.

However, if I am not in the photos relatives can say, "Oh, that Carrie was a really good looking woman!"

Thanks for playing along!



tiki_lady said...

beautiful, what a great pic!