Friday, March 27, 2009


**Come see my giveaway that I'm having! Ends Saturday**

I love taking pictures of my family, and I have so many from my pre-digital camera days! So, every Friday, I decided I would scan a photo and share about it!

I know I have said time and time again, "This is one of my favorite pictures!" I guess I do have alot of those, but THIS one really is on my top 10 all time favorite picture list!!

LOCATION: Honolulu, Hawaii (We were living there at the time)
DATE: July 4, 2001

Nothing can top watching fireworks on the beach in Honolulu! My sister actually took this picture of her two boys with my two older kids (the two on the right). If you have been following my blog for a few months, you will know that they are all super close! They have been like this since day one! I think my sister captured such a great moment with them with their arms wrapped around each other. And the great thing about it is that she didn't tell them to do that. That is just how they always were when they were together!! They were all wearing matching flag shirts from Old Navy too!! I also love how my son, Isaiah looks back at my sister while she's taking the picture!! Love, love, love this one!



Stacy said...

Now that is just too cute:)

Denise said...

I love this very much.

Susie said...

That's an awesome shot!! I love how their outfits match the fireworks:-)

Stephanie said...

That is a great shot!!!! Love it!

brionyskerjance said...

now that is a gret photo! thanks for the sweet comment :)

Anonymous said...

One of my favorites too!!
Great picture and what fun memories. Have a great weekend!

Kelli W said...

This is such a great picture!! I love the fireworks in the background and your son's chubby cheeks smiling at the camera!!

Anonymous said...

I can feel the exuberance! I love this!!!

brionyskerjance said...

So I was trying to think of some options for you when it comes to purchasing a camera. I shoot with a Canon Rebel and I love was an investment though and I understand that in these times it is best to work within a budget.
I would check to see if you have any camera shops in your area, a lot of times they will sell used camera's or even bodies. If you get a cheap SLR body for like $180 you can get a decent 50mm 1.8 lens for $85. It's all about looking for the bargains :)
I also go to this website:

and look at their used products. B&H is great with warranty and everything. Photography is definitely an expensive hobby so I find it best to pace myself...I research out lenses and weigh out how much I would use them, then I save save save. Haha.
I hope that helps :)

Anonymous said...

That is definitely one of my favorites of all the pictures you have posted on your blog. So sweet...what a memory!

mama's smitten said...

Oh my gosh! You lived in Hawaii!!!!! I sure hope we do get a chance to get together. Maybe even lunch or coffee one weekend. We could meet halfway?!:)

Laura said...

I love this one, too! It's adorable!!!!

Laura Lee said...

This is a KEEPER, for sure!! Perfect!!

It must be hard to be so far away from your sister and her family. My kids and & I still struggle without our BFF's, which were all part and parcel of those Brazen Husseys. :/

Darcie said...

I can understand why this is your favorite! How special that they are still so close.

Neisha said...

I love this picture. It is so great for your kids to have a great friendship with their cousins. I might have to copy you on posting an old photo on Fridays too. I have so many old pictures that I just love. Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Love, Love ,LOve this one.
Isaiah is already towering over Josh and Noah.

Love ya

Jane Anne said...

Oh, that is a super sweet moment!

Mo said...

Aww. Precious.

Anonymous said...

Oh that deserves a frame and a stop in the house for all too see!! Too cute :)

momstheword said...

Cute picture. I love how they're standing and yes I do remember you talking about how close they are.

momstheword said...

I forgot to add thank you for your sweet comment!

Muthering Heights said...

That's a GREAT firework shot!

Mel said...

Beautiful photo!!!!!!

He & Me + 3 said...

what a bunch of sweeties. That is a greta picture. i love photos taken from behind. So cute.

Unknown said...

Super cute pic!

Tabitha Blue said...

Wow, that IS a great photo!!! I would love that too!!


Alicia W. said...

So precious - this one belongs in a frame for sure.

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

Oh my...that is a great photo. Love the fireworks, love the camaraderie, love your oldest looking back!

McCrakensx4 said...

Pictures taken from behind are my favs! This is such a cute one! We heart 4th of July!

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Oh wow! What a great picture!

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Just popping in for the 1st time, nice to meet you. Really cute photo.

Tanya said...

I love your new look!
You are right it's an awesome picture, so special, my girls are close with their cousins too. Family is everything.

Anonymous said...

That is a great pic. I would LOVE to be watching fireworks in Hawaii!!! hopefully one day!

Daphine said...

Love these! You have such great photos, Alicia!

Have a great weekend friend!

PS...Send me an email and let me know how Mocha is doing.

Debbie said...

Another great photo!

joanofalltrades said...

What a great picture! I so want to go to Hawaii. I can't even imagine what it would be like living there.

Kari @ A Giveaway Addicted Mommy said...

That is absolutely ADORABLE!! There is no way you could ever stage a picture like that... it is just genuine.

Carebear said...

Oh, they are so precious. I was just thinking as your page was loading that I had to tell you how much I love your new blog design and how beautiful your family is. Now seeing this picture, I think they are even MORE beautiful! What a blessing to have siblings who care so much for one another!