Doesn't this look cozy??
Her guest bedroom! The red accents were perfect!
Loved this salad bowl!
Nikki plugging in the IPod!
Nikki & Bethany warming up!
Lorena & Lorna!
Lorena & me!
Lorena & Erica. They are sister in laws! Their husbands are brothers. Erica really got into the 80's theme since that was the music we were going to be dancing to!! She's too cute!
So, after we're done dancing (which was around 11'ish), we decide to unwind with pie and watch a couple of shows on her TV. We were all sitting there, enjoying the show, when all of a sudden there is this LOUD KNOCK on the front door!! Of course we all gasp and look at each other! Well, Jyl opens the door, walks out, and this is what she sees! Her house totally got TP'd!

Front of the house! This isn't even all of it. She lives on a corner, so she had more trees and bushes around the house!!

Front of the house! This isn't even all of it. She lives on a corner, so she had more trees and bushes around the house!!
The funny thing is, is that they did this to her just last month! And no worries...we knew who it was! We saw their van drive off down the street. It was some of the kids from the youth group at church! LOL!! In fact, they TP'd Lorena's house last month too, but they fessed up to it because Lorena's husband said they had surveillance around the house..haha! So, you know what we did???? We all jumped into Erica's SUV, drove to Walgreens, and Jyl bought three packs of toilet paper. We went to the house of the "known suspect", and yup..that's right, we TP'd their house good!! Oh my gosh..I wish I took a picture of it because we were cracking up when we drove off! And just so you don't think we're totally messed up, it was one of the boys moms that was driving them in the van! So, she can't get mad since she is an accomplice! They had some of their friends sleeping over (one of which was Lorna's son) so there were at least four of them. But, it's all good because we're all friends, so it is a good laugh for everyone! I can imagine their faces though when they saw their house when they got home!! So, that wraps up my Saturday night with the girls! FYI, by the time I got home, it was 2am!!! Oh...and get this..the kids went BACK to Jyl's house again, after we left and TP'd her house even more!! LOLOLOL! But, the good thing is is that they all went to her house after church and cleaned up all the mess! Oh...and the funniest part of the story is that they have NO IDEA that it was us that TP'd their house!! They have a feeling it's us, but we were just blowing them off at church like, "Huh?? Us????"
That is hilarious!!! Her house is very nice and looks very cozy!
I can tell you gals had a great time!
Great pictures Alicia!!
LOL! That is too funny!
Which Calvary do you attend?
Scott went to Calvary Bible College and now is taking his Master's at the Norm Geisler school - Southern Evangelical.
Blessings and hugs,
Oh too much fun! You had a great night!
Yes, her house looks nice and cozy. :o)
Thanks for sharing your fun night with us!
It looks likes you had a super good time! In fact, you're ALWAYS having fun!
I've said it before and I will say it have way too much fun:-) Hee, hee, hee.
Sounds like you guys had a great time, especially the tping :o) Her house does look nice & cozy.
Take care my friend! Hope you have a great Tuesday!
That sounds like my kind of girls night!!! Now I am going to be singing "Girls just wanna have fun" all day!!
What a fun time...hysterical.
What a great time!! That looks so fun! I am inspired to do this with my girls now.. what a bunch of great friends!
That is such a cozy room, love it. And the food--yummmm!
You just have way too much fun! All that dancing and laughing is such good medicine :)
How fun!!! This brought back memories back in the day when I went TP. You all look great!!!
Glad you girls had a fun night!!
What a great time you must have had! Wonderful photos.
The house does look very cozy! I am laughing just thinking about y'all TP the house.Too much fun!
That guest room is just gorgeous. You girls sure know how to party,,,LOL
It sounds like ya'll had a Great! time. It has been several years since I helped roll someone's yard, it is so much fun. Actually the last yard we rolled was our sunday school teachers. But we also forked there yard, (just a hint for next time you go rolling). Get plastic forks and stick them in the ground. we just did there flower beds, but it takes them more time to clean up.
That looks like a're never too old for a good slumber party!
That is so funny, I love it.
Wow Alicia!!! You gals sound like you had a lot of fun!!! Geesh...2Am? I feel like an old lady needing to be in bed by 10:30am! I really outta learn how to live a little more. Seriously! You inspire me to be more adventurous!!! I love ya girl!
You know how to have fun! What a great group of friends you have!
Woohoo! Looks like so much fun! I'm too scared to be a tp-er, my friend makes fun of me for it:) What a blessings great friends are!
I miss you! Haven't been able to catch up lately with everything going on and the children sick. Everything is still going on, but the kids are on the mend-PTL! We just celebrated my daughter's 13 b-day-I posted a slide- I know you like pics. Also, I'll be hosting a give-away after I get my post together tomorrow. Blessings! Amanda:)
That was too funny about the TP! I love your friend's yellow shoes!
Oh how fun! Sounds like you all had a great girl's night out! I haven't TP'd a house since I was a kid!
I love it, what fun what fun! I wish I lived near you and you would invite me to tag along!
Our youth do this to us too, and I have tp'd homes also as an adult, it is a lot of fun! except I have to make sure I empty my bladder because it isn't as strong as it used to be when I was younger.
LOL on the tp revenge! Haven't done that since I was a teen myself! And LOVE, LOVE that guest room!
hahahaha.. that is awesome! How fun!! I need a girls night out (or in)!!! hehe.
Great pictures! This was too funny! It's such a blessing when we can have this kind of fun with friends, ya know?
sounds like a blast : )
You just confessed on your blog though! LOL!
Looks like you had fun! The house is gorgeous!
Sounds like a fun night! You really are blessed to have so many friends to get together with!
OMGosh...ROTFLOL!!!! Your girls night sounded way more fun then mine!!
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