Tuesday, March 31, 2009


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This weeks theme: POUTING


Melissa said...

Awww! Alicia! That is so sweet, cute and sad all at the same time!

You must have a hard time saying no to that face and those eyes!

What a doll!

Beth in NC said...

Isn't she the cutest little girl? Oh my! Such a pitiful little expression.

Debra Kaye said...


That picture is just precious! Big hugs to you today!

Stephanie said...

Oh bless her heart!!! She looks so sweet :)

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Oh what a cutie!!! How could you say no to that face Mama?!?!

He & Me + 3 said...

OMGosh Alicia...gorgeous picture. She is stunning while pouting! WOW

Shoebee said...

Great photo

Lana said...

That is such a precious picture. The black and white really adds to the mood! :) Lana

Nicole Marie said...

She's so pretty even when she looks sad!

Anonymous said...

Oh how cute she is....so sweet!!!

Relishing Life said...

What a great pouting face!! Very effective! She is cute!

Kelly said...

Why is it that Pouts are so darn cute!?! Have a great day!

Neisha said...

Ahh,how cute! It's priceless. I love it when kids pout. And yes, I took your idea for the FF. I have soo many pictures that I love. Thank you.

Darcie said...

awwww...I dont know what speaks more loudly her pout, or her eyes. Cute picture!

momstheword said...

What a sweet picture. Good thing she's not my child. I'd have bought her her own car....

Miti said...

Such a cutie 'pout'tootie!

jen@odbt said...

Now that's a pout. I think I'd be putty in her hands. So cute.

Erica said...

OH my she is adorable!

really.truly said...

Oh man, I just want to pick her up and hug her...what a cutie!

tiarastantrums said...

look at those eyes

Tabitha Blue said...

Aww, so cute!! I love those big eyes, who could resist!!!



Denise said...

So, so cute.

tiki_lady said...

oh my heart! it just broke into a million pieces.

Susie said...

Oh no! That face is priceless!!

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

Look at those eyes...that mouth! How could you say "no" to her!

maggiemae and family said...

wow she is beautiful and i LOVE your testimony! great story :)

Anonymous said...

I wonder what she was so sad about!

Muthering Heights said...

Oh my godness...she is such a doll! You must have an iron will! If she made that face at me, I would give her whatever she wanted!!!

Mel said...

Ok that is the all time best pouty face picture!!!! That needs to be in like a Band-aids commerical or layout..

Daphine said...

Oh my goodness! So precious, Alicia! I love this!

3 Bay B Chicks said...

I love this photo...so cute. Thanks for the advice on the "bangs" issue. I'm really considering your suggestion of the pixie bob!

Always a Southern Girl said...

What a sweet little face! I grabbed your button. Girl I have gotta get my blog designed. I am loving yours! Have a goodnight.

McCrakensx4 said...

She is such a cutie...wonder what she was pouting about?! Good luck!

Amanda said...

NOw that is a fantastic shot!! You are so talented...I love everything about it! (Except that shes pouting of course.) :)

God bless-

Kari @ A Giveaway Addicted Mommy said...

Oh, I am such a sucker for a pout. I would have given in!