Saturday, March 14, 2009


Hey blog friends!! I'm so glad I'm able to use my friends laptop tonight because our internet service provider is having issues! Well, the local cable company does alot of work in the neighborhoods and by doing that, it messes with the phone company lines! Anyway, I'm still able to check blogs via my Blackberry, but you all know what a hassle that could be too! I'll be able to post regularly soon, but wanted to give you the heads up for now!!!

Have a blessed weekend, my friends!!


Denise said...

Hope the problem gets cleared up soon my friend.

Stacy said...

Just take deep I know I would be going crazy without mine.I hope it gets fixed soon.

Beth in NC said...

Oh, I feel lost when I don't have access to my computer world. I pray it gets fixed soon!


He & Me + 3 said...

You poor heart goes out to you. I would be going through withdrawals. Hope it gets fixed soon.

Sweet Blessings said...

Computers! Love and hate the technology-especially when they go down! May you have a blessed weekend! Amanda:)

Robyn said...

Hope they get the problem fixed soon. That would drive me bonkers!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it just the worst to be without your computer...I hate when I don't have access to the internet! Hope you get the problem cleared up soon!!

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

Hope you'll be up and running again soon!

mama's smitten said...

Hope your internet feels better soon ! I'll miss you!:)

momstheword said...

It's funny how that little thing becomes a very big thing when you can't post to your blog, check your comments or read blogs that you like. Very frustrating! How did we ever get along without it?

Daphine said...

Thanks for letting us know! Hopefully it will be fixed SOON!

I pray that you're enjoying your weekend dear friend!

Kelli W said...

I hope you get it fixed soon!! I hate when our internet or phones go out! I feel so I might be missing something really important!

really.truly said...

oh, so frustrating!! Hope it all gets fixed soon.

Anonymous said...

I miss ya! Here's hoping you get that internet back up soon!

Florida Girl said...

I find it a bit disturbing to realize how lost I feel when my internet is down. How did we ever do without it? Don't worry, we will still love you if you aren't able to blog tmorrow... or the next day... & I'll be here when you come back! Jess

Alicia The Snowflake said...

How frustrating! I hope they get it figured out soon! In the meantime, enjoy the extra uninterrupted time with the family :o)

Stephanie said...

Don't you hate it when the internets messed up? It drives me crazy..hope they get it fixed soon!