Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Three of my kids take art lessons every Monday afternoon from a young gal that goes to our church. She's such a blessing because she has taught them so much, and could also be charging us alot more than she does. I wanted to share a painting that my 8 year old son Eli brought home today. I think it's so beautiful! He LOVES anything artsy crafty. I had to crop part of the bottom because he wrote our address on it..LOL!



Denise said...

Wow, that is gorgeous. Your son is very gifted.

Michele Williams said...

That is beautiful!! 8 years old? Wow... He certainly has a gift! Thank you for giving your children lessons... that's wonderful!

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

Wow, wow, wow! That is beautiful.

Susie said...

So beautiful! He is super talented!! Where are you going to hang it?

R and R Stacy said...

Wow, very nice job!!

Debra Kaye said...

Wow, Alicia, that is gorgeous! I love it!

Blessings to you today!

He & Me + 3 said...

That is fabulous. an artist already...is he selling?

Robyn said...

Wow that is beautiful, he has a great talent!

Alicia The Snowflake said...

That's beautiful! He did a great job!

Stacy said...

Wow Alicia! That is an awesome painting! He is very talented to be 8:)

Alicia W. said...

WOW! That's how my BIL started out and now he has a full ride to college just on his talent. AMAZING

Unknown said...

He is really talented Alicia! I love it! Love it like crazy : ).

Elizabeth said...

I would say he has a gift! AMAZING!

Michelle said...

Wow. I am impressed. He did an awesome job.

Thanks for entering my contest today. Good luck!

Sara said...

Beautiful! He did so good!!

really.truly said...

That. is. beautiful.!!! I can't believe he is only 8. Wow, just wow.

I would frame that and hang it in my house. My guys are not so artsy(though I used to be)they still draw stick figures....but, oh so cute stick figures;)

Kelly said...

Sorry , but the only think I can say is WOW!! Hold onto that one!

Anonymous said...

Holy Cow!! That is really beautiful!! He is only 8 years old! Seriously tell him great job. I can't even do stick people :)

Kelli W said...

Wow!!! He did a great job!!

Anonymous said...

Absolutly Awesome


Laura Lee said...

That's really lovely!! How fortunate it is to know young and accomplished girls who live to bless others!! :D

Anonymous said...

That is awesome!!!! Keep him in art looks like he has found his gift!!! Er is in art she just started a couple of months ago and loves it!!!

Anonymous said...

I have a little award for you over at my place! :)

Christin said...

That is beautiful! Tell him good job!!
My daughter is very artsy. She loves to draw. I am excited because I just ordered a book that will teach her all the important "artist" things she needs to know!
There is a drawing gene on my side of the family. Psssst.... I have it, too! Shhh! I don't have time to nurture it, lol.
The only time I really use it is when spending time drawing with the kids. They always want me to draw them all their favorite characters, lol.

Miti said...

Wow...what a beautiful painting. He's so talented. You must have an art gallery in your home.

Laura said...

Wow! He did such a great job! I love it. You definitely have to frame it and hang it up =)

Hope you had a great weekend!!!

Mel said...

Alicia that is incredible!! Wow beautiful

amanda said...

incredible. love it.

Anonymous said...

What? He made that? Seriously awesome!

McCrakensx4 said...

That is amazing! I will be able to say "I blog with his mom!" when he becomes a famous artist! GREAT JOB!

Daphine said...

Are you kidding me?!?! This is awesome! Goodness!!! Your son is very talented, Ms. Thang!

Casey's trio said...

That is impressive!!

Kari @ A Giveaway Addicted Mommy said...

Oh my gosh - does he give lessons?

Julie said...

You're 8 year old did that? I couldn't do that NOW...and we won't go into how old I am! I'm impressed!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is impressive! No flattery, this is exceptional!

Suzanne said...

Beautiful painting! Art is so good for kids...and all of us!:-)

Sara said...

Wow! Very talented at 8!!

Crazee Juls said...

OH my! Wow!! That is awesome, I have always wanted to paint and it look like something other than a hot mess. What talent your son has!

MBB Founder and Editor Denene Millner said...

Absolutely love... it's wonderful when children can paint so freely and beautifully, without fear. Your son's painting is stunning!

King J's Queen said...

Oh WOW! That is amazing!

Nancy Sabina said...

What skill! I would love to find someone to give art lessons to my daughter...

-stephanie- said...

Very impressive!

Eve said...

Oh my goodness... your eight year old did that? What amazing talent!

Helene said...

WOW!!! That totally blew me away...and he's only 8 yrs old??!! He is incredibly talented!!!

Thanks for participating in the We Heart Art Carnival!!!!

Hajar Zamzam Ismail said...

This work of art is precious!

Sturgmom said...

That's gorgeous!! WAY better than my kid's play doh bird. :)

erin said...

wow... i'm AMAZED!