Thursday, March 12, 2009


Okay..I have to be honest here. Out of all the giveaways I entered a few days ago, I really, really wanted to win this one from Susie's Homemade! When I first found her blog, I was in awe of all these desserts she made! I don't know how many times I would say that I would try to make it, but I think I enjoyed just looking at her pictures!! Anyway, I'm so excited to be able to actually try one of her yummy desserts and you know I will write about it on my blog!

So, down below is a picture of what I'll be getting!!! These are Susie's Homemade Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Balls rolled in chocolate!! She even has an Etsy store selling them, and she has also won previous dessert contests! Now, you know you have to be good to sell your baked goods online! Oh, and you know what is so funny? I found out I won before she even had a chance to contact me!! I went her blog not even thinking she was going to announce her winner! LOL!! So..thank you so much Susie for your giveaway..I can't wait!!!!!!!


Kari @ A Giveaway Addicted Mommy said...


MDtripmom said...

Congratulations on your blog giveaway win! Those look amazing! Thanks for stopping by my blog and for entering my giveaway. Wouldn't that be cool if you won 2 giveaways in one week? :) Thanks also for being a follower, now I'm returning the favor. You have a gorgeous family and I'm looking forward to getting to know you better.

AP Mommy said...

Congrats! Stopping by from SITS

On my 12 Blog Hop for the night. 4 more to go!

Denise said...

Yummy, comgrats.

really.truly said...

That looks delicious...glad you won!

Anonymous said...

Okay I am so jealous! But on the other hand I did start dieting again this week! Hope you enjoy them....they look so yummy!!

joanofalltrades said...

Congrats! Those look yummy!

Susie said...

Thanks so much for the shout out! When I found out you were the winner, I was so excited! Thank you soooooooo much for all your support:-)

Laura said...

One word... JEALOUS!

Robyn said...

Congrad's to you!

Kelli W said...

Congrats!! Those look so yummy!! I am just a little jealous! Now I may have to go drool over her blog for a little while!

R and R Stacy said...

Congrats Alicia!! Looks yummy!
Happy Friday friend!!

He & Me + 3 said...

Congrats...YUm and double Yum!

BeLoVed AiMeE said...

oh yum ..that is the one I soo wanted to win too lol. don't they look scrumptious!! congrats my friend. enjoy them :) :)

Mel said...

HOORAY you won!!! And well those look fantastic and since you are already sweet maybe you can share them with your bloggy friends :)

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

Oh man! Those look good...I wish I lived closer I'd invite myself over and make you share!

Lisa said...

Alicia normally I would want to jump into the computer and eat those but I am taking MILA a nutritional supplement okay'd by my doctor as being safe and I am honestly not starving anymore, I have lost 12 pounds, and I am getting all of the omega 3's and antioxidants that are needed for good health. I am so happy to have found out about MILA because it is so much easier for me to control my eating. I would love to try one of those chocolate covered cookies and I could actually stop at one now : )

Daphine said...

Alrighty then! Look at you! Go girl! Go girl! It's ya birthday! Okay...not! Okay...that was so stupid sounding. LOL! I think I've had too much coca cola tonight!

Congrats girl!

Elisabeth said...
