Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I know I'm not really out of touch with you all, but I miss the convenience of being on my computer and seeing your updates when they're posted. For some reason there are some blogs I am unable to comment on from my cell. Anywho, I thought I'd just share some tidbits on what's been happenin' here!

1. My mother in-law was here since late Friday night and is going home this morning.

2. Since my computer has been down, it has given me more time to get things done at home...LOL!

3. I did exercise the last two nights! Have you ever heard of Gilad? I have a VHS beginner workout tape that I used to do years ago! I feel great already!

4. I went to the library yesterday to look up my kids lessons plans, but their servers were down too! Go figure...the library is just down the street from my house!

5. At the same library, I heard a little girl crying (she was around 1), so naturally I look at her because that is the mother in me! No biggie, right? Well her mom says very rudely, "What? You've never seen a baby cry before?!!" I literally looked behind me because I knew she had to be talking to someone else! Well, there was nobody next to me so I asked her calmly, "Are you talking to me?" She responds very harshly with, "YES!" I was kinda in shock!!

So I said (and I was way calm), "Are you kidding me??? I have FIVE kids of my own.I just looked at her to see if she was okay. You shouldn't get defensive so quickly." She didn't even look at me or say one word to me after that. But, it did make me a little sad for her because I could see that she was a little stressed out. Anyway..that was my "excitement" for the day. And of all places, the public library!!


Denise said...

Sweet blessings to you dear.

Angela said...

Thanks for the updates..My goodness, that poor mother. I would have been shocked also. Not only as a mother but a daycare provider, when I see and hear a child crying, I totally gravate to them. My husband keeps saying, 'do you always have to check to see if their alright?' YES..lol. You should see me at Walmart. Alot of times I start to pray for the child and the parents..pleading the blood of Jesus Christ upon them...

Mel said...

Sorry your computer is still down, and the library computer. Wow that mom was having one of those days...and i would have been taken aback too....

Stephanie said...

Lord...I tell ya some people :)

Hope you get your computer up and running soon..it's amazing what you can get done when you're not checking blogs all day though isn't it ? :)

Debbie said...

Good heavens. That mom must have had a bad day to react like that!
And I used to exercise to Gilad! How funny.

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

Congrats on the exercise and getting stuff done around the house. Hmmm...wonder what I could get done if I put down the computer a bit more?

When you've got time, I'd love to talk to you about homeschooling. I have some questions...

amanda said...

lol. my mom dvr's gilad re-runs!! lol. too funny.

Kelli W said...

Man, your internet has been down for a while!! At least you are being productive around the house. I can SO relate to that mom...the library is the WORST place for your kids to act up because it is supposed to be quiet!!

Sara said...

Good for you!!! That is natural to look when there is a baby crying!! That poor mom was probably so freaked out about her child crying in a library, she probably feels bad now. I'm glad you said something.

He & Me + 3 said...

Thank you for the update...Holy Rude woman. OMGosh!

Anonymous said...

Sorry your computer is still down hopefully soon it will get up and running again! The nerve of some people, you have to really wonder what is going on in their lives to be like that!!

BeLoVed AiMeE said...

brawlin at the library :P

Laura said...

Aww, that is sad. I pray that her day got better for her.

Hope your internet issues resolve soon. I hate being without internet for long periods of time!! LOL

That's great that you worked out twice in a row! Directv has a channel called FitTv.. and Gilad is on there. I have only done like 2 workouts...he sure does know how to exercise, haha.

Daphine said...

Thanks for updates! Okay...back up! She did/said what???? Are you kidding me? Wait....did you already asked that too in your post? I can't remember now. Seriously, what was homegirl's problem? Wow! Okay...I'll stop!

Later girl!

momstheword said...

Well, that was an exciting library visit. Poor woman. So defensive and then couldn't even bring herself to respond in kindness to you. Doesn't know what she's missing!

I once had a man yell at my then-two year old son because he pushed by him while we were in line. He bent over, got in his face and yelled "Stop that!"

I calmly (on the outside, not the inside) asked him to please not yell at my son like that, as you can't talk to two year olds like that as they don't understand (about ettiquette).

He responded that he yelled at his two year old son all the time. Well, let me tell you, I felt sorry for his two year old!

We always need God's grace because it's so easy to get frustrated with people (especially when I'm driving). You responded very well, I think!

Susie said...

Yeah, you really have to wonder what is going on with someone's day when they are that snappy at a perfect stranger. Poor thing.

Mo said...

DRAMA at the library. You gotta watch out : )

Jenny said...

Who knew that the library could be so exciting?

Anonymous said...

LOL with the Gilad. I have the one with the stomach exercises on the beach.

I can't believe you got yelled at in the library for caring about a crying child. Whoa.

When will this internet problem resolve itself?

Anonymous said...

Yep stress will make you act like a total butthead sometimes! I know you had to have been shocked...I would have been too. I hate when people don't think before they say such rude things. It sounds like you handled that situation just perfectly though!!
Good for you on the exercising...I went and walked today...I'm waiting until the first of the month to join the gym...so I will have to walk until then!! The place we are going for Spring Break this weekend has a workout gym though so hopefully I will be able to use that!

Alicia The Snowflake said...

That's terrible my friend! I hope they get the Internet server up soon. I think I would have been a little unnerved too. Sometimes I wonder what people are really thinking!

McCrakensx4 said...

Holy rude woman batman!! Hopefully her day got better! Thanks for the updates, hope you have a good rest of your week!

Lorie said...

Have Mercy....she must have been really stressed out! Sounds libraries could be a dangerous place.

Tanya said...

Sorry to hear your computer is down that can be very frustrating. I feel bad for the mother at the library too, she must be losing it.

mama's smitten said...

Sorry to hear about your run in with the GRUMPY mom! And sorry you computer is still down. Mine is being whacky itself!!! I lost all my book marks and all the people I was following ?????? Glad to hear you are getting things done around the house! I know how that goes!!!

Elisabeth said...

Hope you get things running with your computer soon!