**UPDATE** as of 10:45 p.m. Warren is in surgery right now. Apparently there is a virus that was eating away at his heart. His liver and kidneys shut down making the surgery more intensive. He will have mechanical parts to his heart, and if all goes well, he will still need a heart transplant.
A man (and personal friend) from our church suffered a heart attack yesterday afternoon. I just got the update that they are able to do surgery this morning. This has come as a shock to so many of us because he is probably one of the most active people you would ever meet! He is in his 50's but he literally holds his own when it comes to playing basketball with all the high school boys! Anyway, if any one is reading this in "blog world", please take a moment to lift up our dear friend in prayer. His family is such a blessing, and his wife Pat is such a Godly woman. Please also lift up their three children as well. I have not talked to them yet, but I can imagine that they are totally trusting in God 100%!!