Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I love beach photos! This was back in May 2005! In fact, I think I have alot of WW pictures from this day! My daughter was a little over 1 year old at the time!


For more Wordless Wednesday, click here.

For more Wordful Wednesday, click here.


Anonymous said...

What a cute photo. She has so much hair at such a young age. Beautiful.

April said...

Very sweet photo...I LOVE beach pictures, too! Happy Wordful Wednesday!

Hootin Anni said...

Now that photo just couldn't be more perfect!!!

My Wordful is posted. It gives a whole new meaning to "Hang in There" Have a great Wednesday

Stacy said...

That is so beautiful!!!

Angela said...

What a gorgeous picture. Footprints in the Sand came to my mind also when I say the pic.

Susie said...

That is a gorgeous photograph!!

R and R Stacy said...

Wow, what a great photo!!

Live.Love.Eat said...

I love beach photos too. This one is precious!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh this is a great shot!!

Sharon said...

This is a adorable, there is not much to say on this except "priceless"
Have a beautiful week
Huggggss and Blessings

Kristin said...

This is such a great picture! It practically takes your breath away!

Laura said...

Oh my goodness, I love this photo! You should definitely print it out and frame it. Gorgeous!!

Everyday Mom Designs said...

Great picture!

really.truly said...

Ahhhh...babies on the beach. So cute!! I love how the photo of the beach shows so many foot prints all over the place.

Anonymous said...

I love beach pictures!! That is so great!!!

Anonymous said...

Alicia, this is a beautiful picture and I agree with you I love beach photos. Happy ~WW~

He & Me + 3 said...

Gorgeous...I wish i was on a beach right now.

Alicia The Snowflake said...

What a beautiful picture!!!!
Precious moments!!!!

Aubrey said...

THAT is a great photo. At first, I thought she was in water. Then I scrolled down! LOL

Anonymous said...

Absolutly Perfection ! Flashbacks of the outfits and coordinating bows.

Love ya,

Angela said...

Oh how I love this picture and that you did it in b/w!! LOVE IT!

Denise said...

Such a sweet picture.

Kelli W said...

Great picture!! The sand looks so pretty in black and white!

Amanda B. said...

What a sweet photo!! Thanks for sharing!!

Anonymous said...

That is so cute! Beach photos do have something special about them.

Sweet Blessings said...

I LOVE this photo! You should use flicker or photobucket to add a verse or something and have it framed:) Blessings to you! Oh, did I share my give-away with you? Check it out if you have time-it's for a scripture memory program for the whole family. If I told you already, I'm sorry-just thought you'd like to know:) Amanda

Mel said...

Terrific photo, you are awesome!!!

Anonymous said...

Cute Picture! There is nothing like a black & white photo.

Claremont First Ward said...

What a beautiful shot, Alicia!

JMBMOMMY said...

We are going to the beach in a few weeks....I can't wait...and I am sooo excited about the pictures! This is a beautiful photo!

Steph at Problem Solvin' Mom said...

what an amazing photo!

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

Great photo...I love the wind blown sweater and the patterns in the sand!