Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Even Batman knows that his schoolwork comes first!

For more Wordless Wednesday, click here.

For more Wordful Wednesday, click here.


Kristin said...

this is classic! i love it!

scrappysue said...

that is just adorable!!!

Denise said...

So very, very cute.

Stacy said...

That is too cute! School always comes first!

Beth in NC said...

So cute!

Angela said...

That is just so adorable..LOL> Reminds me of when Asher was little and would get dressed up like

Hootin Anni said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, how precious is that? So, THIS is where Batman's been hanging out?!!! I wondered where he went!!!

My Wordful is now's all about fantasies of fireflies and fairies today. Come join me? Have a super duper Wednesday!!!

Susie said...

Holy Schoolwork, Batman:-)

Stephanie said...

How cute is that?!? I love it!

Kari @ A Giveaway Addicted Mommy said...


Mel said...


joanofalltrades said...

LOL! That costume is serious!

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Oh too cute! Love it!

Suzi said...

Batman must know that he can't possibly SAVE metropolis if he doesn't have an education. How would he be able to socialize, problem solve, drive, etc.

Shasta said...

Oh, that's adorable!! What a fun way to do your homework!

Robyn said...

Wow Batman your work looks awesome!

Debra Kaye said...


I just love precious!

He & Me + 3 said...

That is too funny and cute. Even wearing the gloves.

Darcie said...

Great job Batman! I wonder if all our kids dressed up for homework, it would make it just a little bit more fun?

Kelli W said...

Oh my goodness!! That has to be one of the cutest things I have ever seen!! His super power must be SUPER SMART!!

Carin said...

that is priceless. Such a good memory to have. Won't it be fun to show him this when he's in college!

Sara said...

Ha ha ha - duh duh duh duh duh duh BATMAN!!!

April said...

That is the cutest...a typical little boy!

LucieP said...

oh my gosh that is hilarious!

Anonymous said...

That is the best picture!! LOVe it!!

Claremont First Ward said...

THAT wins my prize for cutest picture of the day. I'll have to show my boys when they wake up being that they are major batman/spiderman fans.

Anonymous said...

How great is that!!! I love it!
Happy ~WW~

Jane Anne said...

My kids LOVE to dress up to! That is such a fun picture: Batman taking on homework. How wonderful!

Momisodes said...

LOL! He is a smart guy for reason :)

Muthering Heights said...


really.truly said...

That is just the best!!!

Anonymous said...

Smart batman! Yep ;)

Daphine said...

Love it!!!!

Happy Wednesday friend!

Angela said...

Oh my goodness this totally cracks me up since he could so blend in with my boys! They love wearing costumes!

Laura said...

Hehe, cute. Kyle loves Batman, too!

Anonymous said...

That is classic! I totally love it!

Lorie said...

That is priceless! You gotta be smart to be a super hero!

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

So cute...that will be my Logan when gets older. He loves to dress up...we can usually expect a pirate or race car driver to show up to dinner.

Miti said...

See even Batman has to do his homework before he saves the world. That's a great shot!

Florida Girl said...

Great Pic! Don't you love the crazy innocence in kids? My son hobbled around in one skate all afternoon & evening cause he couldn't find the other one. He didn't want to take it off. I guess if I was a good mommy blogger I would have taken a picture, huh. Thanks for the fun! I missed it.

Kelly said...

That is awesome!! Yah, know... batman needs to learn his math so he can calculate where to land!! :o)

McCrakensx4 said...

That Batman...he sure is smart!! Super cute pic! Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

That is so cute...reminds me of Sawyer. He is always dressing up in something. This week he has mostly been Indiana Jones or a cowboy. His whole bottom drawer of his chest is filled with his dress up clothes. Love the picture!
You are really starting to get alot of comments on your go girl!!!!!!

Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

PS, I am sooo sorry that I was never a follower...sheesh! What is the matter with me? I mean, that is just blog-rude!!!!

((HUGS)) Tarah