Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I have this mirror in my room that I need to find a place for. In the meantime, it is perfect for my daughter who likes to check herself out in the mirror! It looks like she's inspecting her gums!


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Daphine said...

Too funny!

Are you still posting from your phone or is your internet back up?

Denise said...

She is so cute.

Beth in NC said...

Very cute!

Have a blessed day!

Stacy said...

That is a really good picture:)

I have been working our consignment sale at church this week. MOnday we worked 16 hours.So I might not be posting today:(

Oh I enrolled my kids yesterday for the K12. So now we just wait and see if we get in. I still need to talk to you

He & Me + 3 said...

I think she might be sad if you move it:) She is a cutie!

Anonymous said...

I love that picture! That is just too cute!!

Rune said...

I love the picture. She is cute:)


Susie said...

At least its not a breast exam:-) Hee,hee, hee:-)

Sharon said...

Awww thats so cute, The picture looks so natural! Great share
Have a beautiful day

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Oh how cute! I guess examining ourselves in the mirror starts at a young age :o)

Miti said...

I love seeing mirrored reflections in pictures. There's just something special about them.

Laura said...

She is too cute. That's pretty funny :)

Kelli W said...

That is such a beautiful picture!! I love how soft it is!

really.truly said...

Oh my gosh, so cute. Do you know-my boys do the same thing!!

Great pic :)

Anonymous said...

Maybe she will grow up to be a dentist and you will never have to pay for your teeth again! All because you couldn't find a place for a mirror :)

Anonymous said...

Now, this is girls do this too and I always love to sneak a peak while they are doing this!

Shasta said...

That's so funny!! I wonder what she's looking for!?? lol

Anonymous said...

future dentist.


Claremont First Ward said...

I LOVE this photo. Nothing like kids exploring their image in the mirror. I added you to Mr. Linky. :)

BeLoVed AiMeE said...

lol...cute pic :)

Alicia W. said...


Robyn said...

That is so darn cute!

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

So cute...
My oldest has full on conversations with himself in the mirror!

amanda said...

beautiful. i love it!!

Mel said...

neat pic!!!

Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

You must of snuck up on her. Very cute.

Florida Girl said...

How cute! I remember those girlish days.

Amy said...

Love it. Got to make sure the gums are ready to go.

Debbie said...

What an angel. I'd be tempted to leave it there!

Tina said...

Yep, very similar, how funny!

It's funny how excited they get about losing teeth!!

Anonymous said...

Did you ask her what that inspection was all about? She's cute!

Debra Kaye said...

She is so precious, Alicia! Happy Wednesday, my friend.

Muthering Heights said...

It does...maybe she's interested in dentistry!

Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

The pictures that are reflective in the mirror are a window are so great! Nice job mom!

Momof3 said...

I have the same situation. My daughter is a little younger. I haven't thought of taking her picture there but when she does it again, I definately will. Really cute pic!

Aubrey said...

Does she have a loose tooth maybe? She's too cute!

momstheword said...

Hey, sometimes you just can't resist looking in the mirror, lol!

Unknown said...

That is just adorable. Isn't she the cutest?

Kari @ A Giveaway Addicted Mommy said...

That is such a neat picture. Looks like it is from long ago and the angle makes me wonder if you are a hidden "artist" What a great artistic shot!!