These lines are from the book "Say Goodbye to Whining, Complaining, and Bad Attitudes...In You and Your Kids."
"Your own response to honor is important. When your son folds the towels as you asked and then does more by putting them away, your delight is his reward. Honor is a gift-that extra, unexpected act of kindness."
And now, I'm supposed tag 5 people, so I tag...
Christin @ Journey To A Gracious Woman
Alicia @ Confessions Of A Snowflake
Tina @ Golden Goodness
Aimee @ Mrs. Chief
Stacy @ The Crazy Cotheran's
Congratulations on your award:-)
Thanks for playing along:) Sounds like a great book.
Yay you! Isn't this a fun award?! That sounds like a book I need to read! :)
Oh how did I miss this!?!? Thanks for tagging me! I think I actually have that book. Of course my son didn't like that I bought the book. But, unfortunately I have never read it. Sounds like I might need to!
Take care my friend!
Hey there, you Superior Scribbler, you! Just checking in with the winners, to see what's going on at your place. Also, I'd like to tell you 2 important things. First, please don't miss my Silly Sunday Sweepstakes tomorrow...you can contribute to the legend of the Superior Scribler by helping us out! Also, I've been nominated for a pretty neat education blog award. You can vote for me, the Original Superior Scribbler, by visiting my place and clicking on the EduBlog icon. Thanks so much, and hope you visit soon!
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