Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009

Being at home with my kids practically 24/7, you would think it is easy to cook three square meals a day. Being that I homeschool them, sometimes it is easier to just heat up something frozen when they are hungry (pizza, chimichanga, nuggets). You get the picture.
I'm blessed that my kids are healthy and strong. I don't want to ever take that for granted, and I don't want them to either. I should take more time to research healthier options instead of doing what's convenient. So, I'm going to bless my family by cooking healthier meals. I have no excuse why I shouldn't. This is the responsibility I took on as a mom and a wife, and my desire should always be what is best for them, and not what is easiest for me. I have to take TIME to plan out what I'm making in advance so this way I can be prepared and not stressing about what I'm going to fix for them at the last minute.
Making Your Home Sing
Sunday, March 29, 2009
No, I am NOT pregnant! I had a baby shower at my house this past Friday. Normally we would be having our home fellowship, but the guys were at a men's retreat. This is my friend Mary's second child. She already has a two year old girl. When we first me them, her daughter was just a couple of months old!! It was a nice relaxing evening! Great friends, great food and great fellowship! What more could I ask for?
Here is the expecting mama! Isn't she glowing??
Gift time!
We played this game, plus a couple more! My kids wanted to play too!
Baby Shower
Saturday, March 28, 2009

If you want to Pay It Forward, remember, you have to be one of the top three commenters!!! If you don't want to play, you can still comment on all the fun stuff that I got! :)
Pay It Forward
Friday, March 27, 2009
I love taking pictures of my family, and I have so many from my pre-digital camera days! So, every Friday, I decided I would scan a photo and share about it!
I know I have said time and time again, "This is one of my favorite pictures!" I guess I do have alot of those, but THIS one really is on my top 10 all time favorite picture list!!
LOCATION: Honolulu, Hawaii (We were living there at the time)
DATE: July 4, 2001
Nothing can top watching fireworks on the beach in Honolulu! My sister actually took this picture of her two boys with my two older kids (the two on the right). If you have been following my blog for a few months, you will know that they are all super close! They have been like this since day one! I think my sister captured such a great moment with them with their arms wrapped around each other. And the great thing about it is that she didn't tell them to do that. That is just how they always were when they were together!! They were all wearing matching flag shirts from Old Navy too!! I also love how my son, Isaiah looks back at my sister while she's taking the picture!! Love, love, love this one!
LOCATION: Honolulu, Hawaii (We were living there at the time)
DATE: July 4, 2001
Nothing can top watching fireworks on the beach in Honolulu! My sister actually took this picture of her two boys with my two older kids (the two on the right). If you have been following my blog for a few months, you will know that they are all super close! They have been like this since day one! I think my sister captured such a great moment with them with their arms wrapped around each other. And the great thing about it is that she didn't tell them to do that. That is just how they always were when they were together!! They were all wearing matching flag shirts from Old Navy too!! I also love how my son, Isaiah looks back at my sister while she's taking the picture!! Love, love, love this one!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
You should have seen me yesterday! You would have thought I won the lottery! We got a package via UPS which was addressed to ME!
So naturally, I'm all excited and giddy, but I couldn't figure out who the person was who sent it. It had the return label but the gals name and company didn't ring a bell! My mind was working overtime to try to figure it out! While I was opening the package, this is what I was literally saying out loud. "Who is Melissa??"
"What company is this?"
"Is this from a giveaway I won? But they would have contacted me!"
"Is this from Kelli from the Pay It Forward I participated in? Wow, she's fast!"
And can you imagine my entire family is just looking at me like, "Ooooooooooooooookay????"
And can you imagine my entire family is just looking at me like, "Ooooooooooooooookay????"
So, I open it up, and this is what's in it! Hmmm??
I start thinking out loud again!
"Is this a gift for Mocha?"
"Who would have my address and send me a gift?""Wow..I feel blessed!"
"Are these pockets?"
So, I hand them to my daughter who is trying to figure it out too! Finally, she says, "They're pillow cases!" I'm like, "Huh?? Pillow cases? Who would send me pillow cases??" (Mind you, I'm still thinking that somebody totally blessed me with a gift!) Well, I decide to look up the website to see if I can narrow it down to where they came from. On the website, I see this company sells Scandinavian design products. I'm still like, "Huh??"
So much for me being blessed!!!
Pillow Cases,

This is me and my eldest, Isaiah! He will be 13 in July! I can't believe how time has flown by! Physically, he has always looked older than what he was, and his foot has already surpassed my husbands..lol!
52 weeks
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Now, for the record, she does not go out like this, nor wear ANY make-up whatsoever!
Can you believe this is my soon to be 12 year old daughter?And, oh my gosh, my husband was not feelin' it when we came home either! First thing he said to her when she walked through the door was, "Take that off right now." Oh..and when I text'd a picture of her like this to my son, he said he went, "Ewww!" LOLOL! Typical brother!
Anyway, we were at the girls tea my friend had at her house two weeks ago and the girls' wanted to put on some makeup after they started their own fashion show! It is a total understatement when I say that my daughter was really getting into it! She kept staring at herself in the mirror!! I don't even know where she learned half the poses she was coming up with! But, it was so funny, and the girls' were so cute! This picture was even before my friend put more make-up on her! Can you see the attiude in that pose???? Whoa!! It's like her expression is saying, "How ya like me now?" This gives me a glimpse of her in the future...say 10 years from now when she's allowed to wear any make-up! Oh..and by the way, those are her real eybrows!!
Some of the other girls having fun!
For more Wordless Wednesday, click here!
For more Wordful Wednesday, click here!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
So, what do you think??? How do you like my new blog layout? Yes, I know, I just had one done by Danielle last month, but I wanted to change the colors for spring and summer! I absolutely LOVE IT, and I knew that she would come up with another design that would far exceed my expectations! On top of being creative, she is very personable and professional! She will also tell you if your idea will not work..LOL!
Now, to YOU, all my readers, she is offering $15 off the deposit, which is normally $35! What I love about this is that you can put your deposit down (to secure your spot on her waiting list), and it also gives you time to pay for your makeover! It's kind of like putting your new blog on "layaway!" The great thing about having a makeover is that you can be sure that nobody else in Blogland will have the same one! It will be as unique as yourself!
So, this is what you do if you are interested:
1. Go to http://designgirlpayments.blogspot.com/. You can also check out her blog portfolio and packages while you're there!
2. To put down a deposit, she asks that you use the last PayPal button on her package/pricing page and enter $20.
It's that easy! From there, she will contact you (which is usually right away) and give you the list of all the designers that she has permission to use. I'm not kidding when I say that she has TONS to choose from! It's perfect because since you will be on her waiting list, it gives you plenty of time to choose the right kit for you! Danielle will also email you all the information you need, and she is quick to answer any questions you may have! I'm surprised she still talks to me because I felt like I bugged her! :)
So, don't pass it up! Just go for it! You won't regret it! Tell her Alicia sent you! But, don't wait too long because this offer ends Saturday!
**Lastly, Danielle doesn't know I'm going to do this, but I'm doing this as an incentive for you to get a new blog!! Whoever puts a deposit down with Danielle by Saturday, I will enter your name in a drawing for me to put $15 toward your blog makeover! Just make sure you comment me and let me know you did this so I can put your name in the drawing!! Yoohoo!!!!!!!!!
Blogs By Danielle

I Heart Faces-Week 11
Monday, March 23, 2009

This entire "Not Me" post is not only going to be about our new puppy! Of course, I have lots of other things I could not be sharing about!
I did not let the puppy get into my bed and fall asleep. There is no way I would ever let that happen! Not in this lifetime!
I would never kiss an animal on the head! That would just be too gross!
I did not miss home fellowship on Friday and church on Sunday morning just because I could not bear to leave the puppy all by herself for a few hours. I am not that attached to her already!
I do not refer myself to the puppy's "mommy" already!
I am so not in love with our new puppy, Mocha!
Not Me Monday
Sunday, March 22, 2009
This giveaway is being done by Blueviolet @ A Nut In A Nutshell. She just did a Rain-X review and now is able to offer a package of some of their products (courtesy of Rain-X and MyBlogspark), which include:
-Rain-X® Latitude™ Wiper Blades (specific to your make and model of vehicle),
-Rain-X® Weatherbeater® 2-in-1 Glass Cleaner & Rain Repellant
-Rain-X® X-treme Clean.
So, go check out her blog and see how you can enter. Besides, you will enjoy just visiting her anyway. She is one of my favorites!!!!!
-Rain-X® Latitude™ Wiper Blades (specific to your make and model of vehicle),
-Rain-X® Weatherbeater® 2-in-1 Glass Cleaner & Rain Repellant
-Rain-X® X-treme Clean.
So, go check out her blog and see how you can enter. Besides, you will enjoy just visiting her anyway. She is one of my favorites!!!!!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
We finally got to take our puppy home this past Thursday! Our kids were just beside themselves as they could not believe the day had finally arrived!! You should have seen me at the store! I was buying everything I thought she would need! I was so tempted to buy her an outfit, but I thought I should wait for now. Besides, she looks so cute "as is!" It was like shopping for a brand new baby! But, before I get started, I want to apologize to all you animal lovers! When I used to see pictures of peoples pets, I didn't get all warm and fuzzy inside! But now, since having our own little puppy, I have taken pictures of her with both my cell phone and digital camera! I even uploaded them to my Facebook! Now, I would be the LAST, LAST, LAST person to even kiss an animal! I was the one who could not understand how someone could love a pet like their own family! But..now I'm "one of those people"! I think she already knows she has us wrapped around her little paw!! Oh, and you should see the bed I picked out for her! Who wouldn't love THAT! She's got it made already! Next week, she'll be 8 weeks and we'll be able to get all her shots! We just love her to pieces!!! I could go on and on, but I'm sure you get the picture!
Isn't she sweet!!??!!
Friday, March 20, 2009
I am up and running again, so I feel like I have lots to write about! But, I have a couple of posts that are long overdue that I did not want to share without photos!
The first one is about the giveaway I won from Susie! I wish I had taken a picture of the actual cookie balls, but they were gone before I had a chance to!! I had to share them with my kids since they were standing right there when I opened it! But, I did take a picture of the pretty box and note she left inside! Let me just say that Susie did not disappoint! Those chocolate chip cookie dough balls were so yummy, and can be totally addictive!! Thank you again, Miss Susie!!! You know I love ya and appreciate your mad skillz! If you want to be inspired by cooking or baking, and even gardening, you should really check her blog out! I just love looking at what she creates!
The first one is about the giveaway I won from Susie! I wish I had taken a picture of the actual cookie balls, but they were gone before I had a chance to!! I had to share them with my kids since they were standing right there when I opened it! But, I did take a picture of the pretty box and note she left inside! Let me just say that Susie did not disappoint! Those chocolate chip cookie dough balls were so yummy, and can be totally addictive!! Thank you again, Miss Susie!!! You know I love ya and appreciate your mad skillz! If you want to be inspired by cooking or baking, and even gardening, you should really check her blog out! I just love looking at what she creates!
I love taking pictures of my family, and I have so many from my pre-digital camera days! So, every Friday, I plan on scanning an old photo and sharing about it!
This is a picture of me and my eldest son Isaiah in 1996. I can't believe he was ever this tiny because now he is taller than me and practically has a "man voice." And he's going to be 13 years old in July! But, I remember this day like it was yesterday! He was one month premature due to a placenta previa. It all happened so fast, and I think that moment was just so surreal to me. When you are pregnant with your first child, you don't even think that there may be any complications at all. I just thank God that he pulled through! He had to stay in the NICU for a week because on top of the antibiotics he was getting, he ended up with jaundice. I tell ya though...there is no way to describe delivering a baby and going home empty handed. I mean, I knew he was going to be okay and come home eventually, but it was just weird to go out and people not know that I just had a baby. Hard to explain, but I'm sure you know what I mean.
This is a picture of me and my eldest son Isaiah in 1996. I can't believe he was ever this tiny because now he is taller than me and practically has a "man voice." And he's going to be 13 years old in July! But, I remember this day like it was yesterday! He was one month premature due to a placenta previa. It all happened so fast, and I think that moment was just so surreal to me. When you are pregnant with your first child, you don't even think that there may be any complications at all. I just thank God that he pulled through! He had to stay in the NICU for a week because on top of the antibiotics he was getting, he ended up with jaundice. I tell ya though...there is no way to describe delivering a baby and going home empty handed. I mean, I knew he was going to be okay and come home eventually, but it was just weird to go out and people not know that I just had a baby. Hard to explain, but I'm sure you know what I mean.
This was the day after I gave birth. I was so anxious to see him. People were tripping out that I was walking back and forth from my room to the NICU to see him! He was 6lbs and 3oz!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
I decided to join in on the fun at Mama's Losin It! She has a meme every Thursday where you get to choose one or more of her writing prompts. I'm going to choose the easiest one this week!! I don't know how interesting it'll be for you, so here goes nothin'! If you want to participate, just click here to go to her blog!
I can start a new load of laundry and put the clothes from the dryer in the house.
I can make coffee in my percolater.
I can update my status on Facebook. LOL
I can wash my face.
I can get my youngest three kids clothes ready for them.
I can get my rice started in the rice cooker.
I can put my youngest daughters hair up in pigtails and bows!
I can take a picture and upload it to my computer.
I can heat up a chimichanga for my kids..LOL.
I can get in and out of the shower!
Mama's Losing It Meme

There are so many things I am thankful for that I seem to take for granted, so this is a great way to keep those things in perspective. I'm not only thankful for the "big" things but also the "little" things in life.
1. I am thankful that my husband has been recovering so quickly from his hernia surgery. It's totally by Gods grace that he is able to do what he's doing now! He only has a couple more weeks of disability and he's back to work!
2. I'm thankful that the library is so close to home that I am able to come here while my internet issues are being resolved.
3. I'm thankful for the quiet times I have to be with the Lord and to give Him all my cares and worries.
4. I'm thankful for the faith I have in only HIM!
5. I'm thankful that even though tomorrow is not promised to us, we are still hopeful in Jesus!!
Thankful Thursday
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
I have this mirror in my room that I need to find a place for. In the meantime, it is perfect for my daughter who likes to check herself out in the mirror! It looks like she's inspecting her gums!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
I know I'm not really out of touch with you all, but I miss the convenience of being on my computer and seeing your updates when they're posted. For some reason there are some blogs I am unable to comment on from my cell. Anywho, I thought I'd just share some tidbits on what's been happenin' here!
1. My mother in-law was here since late Friday night and is going home this morning.
2. Since my computer has been down, it has given me more time to get things done at home...LOL!
3. I did exercise the last two nights! Have you ever heard of Gilad? I have a VHS beginner workout tape that I used to do years ago! I feel great already!
4. I went to the library yesterday to look up my kids lessons plans, but their servers were down too! Go figure...the library is just down the street from my house!
5. At the same library, I heard a little girl crying (she was around 1), so naturally I look at her because that is the mother in me! No biggie, right? Well her mom says very rudely, "What? You've never seen a baby cry before?!!" I literally looked behind me because I knew she had to be talking to someone else! Well, there was nobody next to me so I asked her calmly, "Are you talking to me?" She responds very harshly with, "YES!" I was kinda in shock!!
So I said (and I was way calm), "Are you kidding me??? I have FIVE kids of my own.I just looked at her to see if she was okay. You shouldn't get defensive so quickly." She didn't even look at me or say one word to me after that. But, it did make me a little sad for her because I could see that she was a little stressed out. Anyway..that was my "excitement" for the day. And of all places, the public library!!
1. My mother in-law was here since late Friday night and is going home this morning.
2. Since my computer has been down, it has given me more time to get things done at home...LOL!
3. I did exercise the last two nights! Have you ever heard of Gilad? I have a VHS beginner workout tape that I used to do years ago! I feel great already!
4. I went to the library yesterday to look up my kids lessons plans, but their servers were down too! Go figure...the library is just down the street from my house!
5. At the same library, I heard a little girl crying (she was around 1), so naturally I look at her because that is the mother in me! No biggie, right? Well her mom says very rudely, "What? You've never seen a baby cry before?!!" I literally looked behind me because I knew she had to be talking to someone else! Well, there was nobody next to me so I asked her calmly, "Are you talking to me?" She responds very harshly with, "YES!" I was kinda in shock!!
So I said (and I was way calm), "Are you kidding me??? I have FIVE kids of my own.I just looked at her to see if she was okay. You shouldn't get defensive so quickly." She didn't even look at me or say one word to me after that. But, it did make me a little sad for her because I could see that she was a little stressed out. Anyway..that was my "excitement" for the day. And of all places, the public library!!
Tuesday tidbits
Monday, March 16, 2009

While I was walking down the hallway fixing my hair, I did not bang my elbow into the corner of a door jam. It was not totally hurting either!
I was not getting emotional over the movie A Walk To Remember. I did not watch the movie years ago so I did not already know the ending! I do not get sappy over movies!
I did not bet my husband $1 that I was going to exercise the other night. I so do not owe him $1!!
I am not finishing this NMM post on my Blackberry cell because my internet is still messed up.I'm not one bit stoked that I'm still connected to my blog through this!
Not Me Monday
Sunday, March 15, 2009
My friend Mariela planned another girls tea for my daughters and also for our friends daughters' on Friday night. It was perfect because the guys were at my house at our home fellowship. I will have to share pictures when my internet is back up and running because one of my friends put make-up on the girls for fun and my oldest daughter was loving it way too much...lol! She actually looked good, and it gave me a glimpse of her in the years to come! The first thing my husband says when we get home is, "Take that off right now!" LOL! But all the girls had fun and of course we had a little bit of dancing too! I think that's now becoming part of our "routine" when we have parties! Good fun though!! Anyway, just thought I'd give you an update. I'm glad I can at least blog from my cell!! Have a blessed Sunday,friends!!
girls tea
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Hey blog friends!! I'm so glad I'm able to use my friends laptop tonight because our internet service provider is having issues! Well, the local cable company does alot of work in the neighborhoods and by doing that, it messes with the phone company lines! Anyway, I'm still able to check blogs via my Blackberry, but you all know what a hassle that could be too! I'll be able to post regularly soon, but wanted to give you the heads up for now!!!
Have a blessed weekend, my friends!!
Have a blessed weekend, my friends!!
Friday, March 13, 2009
I love taking pictures of my family, and I have so many from my pre-digital camera days! So, every Friday, I plan on scanning an old photo and sharing about it! The only editing I did to this picture was crop and soften it.
This was one of my absolute favorite pictures of my two older children. There is just something about a picture of a baby in diapers! I also loved my daughter's little pixie cut that she had back then! She would always get compliments on her hairstyle! In fact, they still get their hair cut by the same gal! They are only 10 1/2 months apart, and EVERYWHERE we went, people asked if they were twins. Because they are so close in age, they have always been inseparable. Looking at this picture brings back so many great memories! It's so true when they say they grow so fast! He will be 13 in July, and she will be 12 in May!
This was one of my absolute favorite pictures of my two older children. There is just something about a picture of a baby in diapers! I also loved my daughter's little pixie cut that she had back then! She would always get compliments on her hairstyle! In fact, they still get their hair cut by the same gal! They are only 10 1/2 months apart, and EVERYWHERE we went, people asked if they were twins. Because they are so close in age, they have always been inseparable. Looking at this picture brings back so many great memories! It's so true when they say they grow so fast! He will be 13 in July, and she will be 12 in May!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Okay..I have to be honest here. Out of all the giveaways I entered a few days ago, I really, really wanted to win this one from Susie's Homemade! When I first found her blog, I was in awe of all these desserts she made! I don't know how many times I would say that I would try to make it, but I think I enjoyed just looking at her pictures!! Anyway, I'm so excited to be able to actually try one of her yummy desserts and you know I will write about it on my blog!
So, down below is a picture of what I'll be getting!!! These are Susie's Homemade Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Balls rolled in chocolate!! She even has an Etsy store selling them, and she has also won previous dessert contests! Now, you know you have to be good to sell your baked goods online! Oh, and you know what is so funny? I found out I won before she even had a chance to contact me!! I went her blog not even thinking she was going to announce her winner! LOL!! So..thank you so much Susie for your giveaway..I can't wait!!!!!!!
So, down below is a picture of what I'll be getting!!! These are Susie's Homemade Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Balls rolled in chocolate!! She even has an Etsy store selling them, and she has also won previous dessert contests! Now, you know you have to be good to sell your baked goods online! Oh, and you know what is so funny? I found out I won before she even had a chance to contact me!! I went her blog not even thinking she was going to announce her winner! LOL!! So..thank you so much Susie for your giveaway..I can't wait!!!!!!!

This is me and my 8 yr old son, Eli! LOL, I realize that all my "pictures of me" for this meme have the same pose every week!! I usually remember at the last minute that I need a picture with one of my kids, so it's me telling them to sit by me so I can take the picture myself! I need to be more creative for next Thursday!!
52 weeks
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
I wish they were mine but they're not! These are too good to keep to myself, so I want to share them with all of you!! SIT's is having their Spring Fling, and these ladies are participating in it! These are not all the giveaways though. If you go to the SIT's site, you will see many more!
First one I want to mention is by Susie, at Susie's Homemade. She's giving away 1/2 a dozen of her own Susie's Homemade Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Balls. She inspires me with her cooking & baking, and I think you will be too!
Another great giveaway is by Two Under Two. Whew! She is giving away a $25 gift certificate to The Cheesecake Factory!! Yum yum!
Kristen at All In A Mom's Life is giving you the choice of a $20 gift card to Starbucks or Target!
Lastly, I found Janana Bee who is giving a First and Second place prize! First prize is a $25 gift certificate to The Cheesecake Factory, and Second Prize is the coveted Mixed CD!
So, check them out, and get in on these awesome giveaways! You won't want to miss it!
First one I want to mention is by Susie, at Susie's Homemade. She's giving away 1/2 a dozen of her own Susie's Homemade Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Balls. She inspires me with her cooking & baking, and I think you will be too!
Another great giveaway is by Two Under Two. Whew! She is giving away a $25 gift certificate to The Cheesecake Factory!! Yum yum!
Kristen at All In A Mom's Life is giving you the choice of a $20 gift card to Starbucks or Target!
Lastly, I found Janana Bee who is giving a First and Second place prize! First prize is a $25 gift certificate to The Cheesecake Factory, and Second Prize is the coveted Mixed CD!
So, check them out, and get in on these awesome giveaways! You won't want to miss it!
Blog Giveaways
Three of my kids take art lessons every Monday afternoon from a young gal that goes to our church. She's such a blessing because she has taught them so much, and could also be charging us alot more than she does. I wanted to share a painting that my 8 year old son Eli brought home today. I think it's so beautiful! He LOVES anything artsy crafty. I had to crop part of the bottom because he wrote our address on it..LOL!
Monday, March 9, 2009

Last week, while my husband was waiting to be wheeled in to get his hernia surgery done I did not go to the hospital cafeteria to get a cup of Peet's Coffee. While I was down there, my husband did not call me to bring him his IPod. I was not getting an "SOS" signal (meaning no signal) on my phone because I was in a hospital! He did not tell the anesthesiologist, "My wife didn't answer her phone." LOL!
While I was sitting with my husband in his pre-op status, I did not remind him that now he knew how "I" did not feel in that position when I gave birth to all our five children!
I did not talk to my friend from midnight to almost 3am in the morning on Friday night. I have way more discipline than that! I did not have to get up at 8am the next morning!
I am not allowing my kids to watch a movie at 10:30 on Sunday night just because we missed the two older ones while they were at camp this weekend.
While I was sitting with my husband in his pre-op status, I did not remind him that now he knew how "I" did not feel in that position when I gave birth to all our five children!
I did not talk to my friend from midnight to almost 3am in the morning on Friday night. I have way more discipline than that! I did not have to get up at 8am the next morning!
I am not allowing my kids to watch a movie at 10:30 on Sunday night just because we missed the two older ones while they were at camp this weekend.
Not Me Monday
Sunday, March 8, 2009
My husband has been recovering quickly, so we were able to go to our friends home fellowship Friday night, and also to our friends birthday get together yesterday! Their apartment complex has a big room they can use for parties, so they had it in there. It was perfect because the kids were able to run around outside and not feel confined in a living room. My friends husband likes to teach my son Eli his break dancing moves he used to do back in the day, so he will use every opportunity he can to learn something new from him! He loves to dance!! Anyway...here is just a little clip of his mad skillz accompanied with Christian rap!!!
Birthday Party,
Break Dancing
Saturday, March 7, 2009

SATURDAY-My friends "indoor" garden! She has the coziest house!

Sunday-FOREVER 21! And no, I'm not talking about my age..lol. My daughter loves this store, and now it is my favorite place to get her some cute tops. Not only is it affordable, but LOOK at the bottom of the shopping bag!! I heart this store even more after I saw that!

Monday-Danny's color chart he made in art class! Three of my kids take an art class from one of the girls at church. She's such a blessing!

Tuesday-"NOTW" (Not Of This World) messenger bag. Do you see the logo on top? So cool! Isn't this awesome? My husband bought it at our bookstore at church. If you can't see what it says on the bottom left hand side, it says, "TRUTH IS NOT AN OPINION." And this is also one of my favorite verses John 14:6! He used this for his "hospital bag."

Wednesday-Moviethon! Blockbuster run for my hubby who can't really do much right now but watch movies!

Thursday-A get well card from the staff/friends at our church. We love them!! But, if you look on the right hand side underneath the picture, one of the girls accidentally wrote "Happy B-day!" LOL! She was cracking up when I told her what she wrote!

Friday-Junior High Winter Youth Camp. Getting ready to go!

Sunday-FOREVER 21! And no, I'm not talking about my age..lol. My daughter loves this store, and now it is my favorite place to get her some cute tops. Not only is it affordable, but LOOK at the bottom of the shopping bag!! I heart this store even more after I saw that!
Monday-Danny's color chart he made in art class! Three of my kids take an art class from one of the girls at church. She's such a blessing!
Tuesday-"NOTW" (Not Of This World) messenger bag. Do you see the logo on top? So cool! Isn't this awesome? My husband bought it at our bookstore at church. If you can't see what it says on the bottom left hand side, it says, "TRUTH IS NOT AN OPINION." And this is also one of my favorite verses John 14:6! He used this for his "hospital bag."
Wednesday-Moviethon! Blockbuster run for my hubby who can't really do much right now but watch movies!
Thursday-A get well card from the staff/friends at our church. We love them!! But, if you look on the right hand side underneath the picture, one of the girls accidentally wrote "Happy B-day!" LOL! She was cracking up when I told her what she wrote!
Friday-Junior High Winter Youth Camp. Getting ready to go!
Picture A Day 2009
Friday, March 6, 2009
My two older kids left for winter camp this morning with the Junior High group from our church. My daughter was especially excited to go since her friends were going also. She's so funny....last week her exact words to me were, "Mom, I need three new outfits for camp." MY exact words back to her were, "You're not going on vacation, you're going to CAMP." So, we compromised and I bought her three new tops! She was happy with that! I don't even know the name of the camp they're going to, but we just know that they are in good hands..LOL!! It's even more quiet in the house with them gone. But, they'll be back Sunday evening and it will be like they never left.
The good ole' church bus!
My son (2nd to the left) and some of his friends.
My daughter (in the black jacket) and some of her friends! Her and that facial expression!!
The kids being told the "rules" before getting on the bus. Afterward, the Youth Pastor prayed for them.
Another angle of all the kids going to camp!
I love taking pictures, and I love posting them even more! Every Friday, I'm going to post a photo from way back in the day(pre-digital camera days)! I'm so thankful to have a scanner, so I might as well use it, right?!
This picture was in 1992! We had a big going away party for my sister who was moving to Hawaii (and she still lives there now). Of course, she is the one wearing the lei. My mom is in the middle, and that is me on the right! I was 23 years old at the time!! This is one of my favorite pictures of all of us!!

This picture was in 1992! We had a big going away party for my sister who was moving to Hawaii (and she still lives there now). Of course, she is the one wearing the lei. My mom is in the middle, and that is me on the right! I was 23 years old at the time!! This is one of my favorite pictures of all of us!!
I'm also going to link up to Carrie @ Candid Carrie since she does a fun meme on Friday's called Friday Foto Finish.
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