I finished up my grocery shopping today for things that I need for tomorrow. I realized that I'm not really cooking much since everyone is bringing something! Yay for me! I also went to Party City and bought a cute table cloth and some decorative plates. Of course, I was thinking about pictures for my blog! I started to get into the "holiday" feel when I was looking at all the Christmas decor at the store! I had my youngest son with me and he was grabbing everything and using it as a sword or a gun! Yah, he's my boy's boy alright! He and I hardly ever go anywhere alone, so it was nice to do errands with him and give him all my attention! I surprised him by taking him to Burger King. We NEVER eat inside, so it was nice to sit there and talk to him the entire time! He's so funny and makes me laugh!
I will still have a Thankful Thursday post, although Iris at Grace Alone isn't hosting it this week at her blog. More than likely I'll be putting up my Thanksgiving post on Friday. You all have a Happy Thanksgiving, and be B.L.E.S.S.E.D!!
Our BK moment!

Happy Thanksgiving, blessings to you and your family sweet precious sister..(((((((((hugs))))))))
May God be gracious to you and bless you and make His face shine upon you now and always.
amen amen amen
I love your new blog layout, way cute!!
Sounds like you guys had a great day! I love the picture of your son. Your kids are all cute!
I too love one on one time with the kids. cute BK picture!
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