Physical-Boy, don't we always feel that we have to work on the "physical?" Well, I know it applies to me, at least! I'm so grateful that our family doesn't battle any illnesses, mild or chronic. I know there are families out there who deal with physical issues on a daily basis. Besides the typical E.R. visits, my children have always been on the healthier side. As for myself, I know I need to exercise and watch what I eat more, but God has been good to me and he gives me that extra dose of energy I need for my kids! My husband, however, has a broken bone in his lower back but you would never be able to tell! He is probably one of the most active and strongest men I know. He's a carpenter so he is naturally moving around all day. When he gets home, he'll sometimes take a quick nap, but he does not like to sit around. He feels like he's wasting the day. Of course, we've had our share of "lazy days", but he really likes to be up and about. I know it's totally the Lord that sustains my husband. He would never be able to do what he does on his own strength. I'm so thankful that he does not have one lazy bone in his body! He may procrastinate on things, but it's definitely not due to laziness! I guess that's where we balance each other out..LOL.
Spiritual-A little over eight years ago, my husband and I accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior within one week of each other. That was totally the Lord too because we were able to grow in our walk together. We don't feel we've reached spiritual maturity, but I'm thankful that we have a church with a Pastor who teaches sound doctrine. I have also mentioned before that we have an awesome church family. Regardless of what ministries we are involved in, what matters is our own personal relationship with Him. We always need to be desperate for the Lord. Our desire is to continue to grow in Him, and for our children to also have and keep that passion for Jesus! I'm so thankful that they also accepted the gift of salvation, and I pray that the Lord continues to use us individually, and as a family to glorify Him.
To read more Thankful Thursdays, click here.
Hi Alicia,
Loved your post, you are very blessed with 5 beautiful children and a wonderful husband and you both know the Lord and are raising your kids to know him--God is smiling down on you my friend.
My desire is to witness and help people that are our age to accept Christ. I was raised in church so accepting Christ is all I have ever known, it inspired me to read when got saved. I just keep planting seeds and rely on God for the increase. Have a blessed day.
May God continue to bless you.
could you help me figure out how to link your blog to my thankful thursday, I mentioned your blog but I am having trouble linking back to you. thanks
What a wonderful post! We too are healthy except for the minor things of everyday life and we too are still young in our walk with God. Have a great day
It feels good to be thankful... and I love the pictures of your husband and children and the descriptions you've come up with for each one, celebrating their individuality!!
God is so good! Healthy spiritual and physical life. You are blessed! That is awesome that you both have known the Lord the same amount of time. Growing together!
I am so glad things are going well for you.
This is a wonderful post.
Thank you.
A wonderful reason to be thankful! Thank you for visiting my blog also. Your children are so beautiful. I love meeting other mommies like myself too. :)
A wonderful reason to be thankful! Thank you for visiting my blog also. Your children are so beautiful. I love meeting other mommies like myself. :)
that worked yeah!!!
I like this idea:-) I am thankful that for the most part, my children are healty. They have both had issue but nothing severe or chronic. I am thankful that I have improved my health by reducing my strees and I have started working out. And I am thankful that my mom's health has improved too:-)
Wonderful post! I loved reading this! You are truly a blessed woman friend!
I liked how you took time to focus on both the physical and spiritual life.
Have a blessed day!
Great post! I love how God brought both you and your husband to Him within a week of each other. Awesome!
Thanks for stopping by!
I loved your comment about our need to be desperate for Him - so true - thank you for the reminder!
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