Monday, November 24, 2008

Not Me! Monday

This is one of my favorite meme's! We get to spill our guts about things we would never, ever do (wink)!!! Join in on the fun at MckMamas blog!!

  • I did not start this post a week ago so I could just come in here and add things I didn't do so I wouldn't forget. I don't have that much time in the day to do something like that!
  • I am absolutely not in the works of getting a new layout done even though I just had a makeover around two months ago. Come on, I'm not that FICKLE!
  • I did not watch Nacho Libre again for the 100th time. Of course I wasn't cracking up because it is so not funny!
  • I did not just start planning my Thanksgiving menu today. I am way more organized than that!
  • I am not looking forward to having a whole week vacation from school!!!!!! What mom would want to have a break from homeschooling five kids? Not way!

To read more Not Me Mondays, click here.


~*Mistee*~ said...

I love new blog layouts!! Can't wait to see your new one!! :0) Have a great week!!

Kirsty said...

Oh my gosh...only a mad woman wouldn't be looking forward to a break from home schooling LOL!

This blog looks awesome...can't wait to see what its going to change to!

Stacy said...

I'm going to get a new look soon.

I bet you are excited about getting a break. HAve a great Thanksgiving too!

Anonymous said...

Great Not Me's. Happy Holidays! Enjoy your time NOT teaching.

Susie said...

Toooooooo funny!!

Davisix said...

I was smiling right along, loving your list, and then I got to the break from homeschooling and I stood up and shouted right out loud, "YES!" OK, I didn't really, but I THOUGHT it!!! :) Ang

Brooke said...

When I opened your page, I thought "Wow, love the layout!" Can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve next. Your children are beautiful! Thanks for stopping by, and Happy Thanksgiving.

Christin said...

LOL Alicia! You are too funny! What a fun meme!
I posted the first 3-school challenge! I am still working out some of the bugs, like what day of the week to actually "host" it. I think I will just put the post up on Mondays and have people add throughout the week when they can. But anyways, come by and see it! :)

momstheword said...

Yeah, girl. You don't hear me Whoohoooing! about a school break either....oh wait, maybe you do!

Heidi said...

Oh, I am in desperate need of a makeover. Is that wrong to ask for for Christmas? Honey, could I get a blog makeover? If he doesn't have to shop for it I think he would jump right on that.

Anonymous said...

Hi again! Just wanted to let you know I finally did my "tag" from a few weeks ago! It's on my wordpress blog.

I've had some time on my hands as all Lizzie wants to do is nurse, nurse, nurse! I should be folding laundry and getting my house ready for Thanksgiving and baking! LOL

He & Me + 3 said...

I don't write down my Not Me's during the week either to make it easier. LOl
I would long for a break too, if I was homeschooling. :)

Lisa said...

I can't wait to see the new layout, I feel like I am always changing mine--trying to tweek it I guess.

Liz {Learning To Juggle} said...

I love your list....Look at all your kids...they are all beautiful, you have a gorgeous family!!

Debra Kaye said...

Too funny! I just love this meme!

((hugs)) to you!

Erica said...

I like your blog now and I like changing things too! I started my post early too and I wanted a break from homeschooling so much that my kids are back in school this year(I do miss it sometimes)!

Anonymous said...

I change my layout ALL THE TIME so I know what you mean about being fickle :P

Kelly said...

I am totally not enjoying the kids "I am bored", "she's annoying me"! Please go back to school!! Beautiful family!! Happy Thanksgiving!

Hall Family in MD said...

I am a homeschooling momma, too! And I am sooo glad we have the week off from school =)

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Oh yes, I understand the need to have a week off of school. Sometimes you just need it. I hope it's a good week.

Can't wait to see the new blog look! I am sure it will be awesome!

McCrakensx4 said...

Great list! And I never start my Not Me's until Monday...whatever! Happy Week my friend! :)

Daphine said...

I am liking this meme too! I may have to join soon! I enjoyed reading this. Ready for this??? I have not made my complete menu for Thanksgiving either. All I know is that we're having Mexican food. I'll make it tomorrow. lol!